Welcome to our Summer newsletter!
2024 is an important year for the ESCMID community, being marked by the rebranding of ESCMID and ESCMID Global, with new directions for the future years on antimicrobial resistance, emerging infections and a big focus on education! In this line of exciting changes, we have the pleasure to present to you the new format of newsletter: shorter, better, with quick and easy access to our projects and recommendations!
We were very happy to meet you all at TAE Day during ESCMID Global 2024 and we want to say a big Thank you for joining us once again on this beloved day! Don’t worry if you missed TAE Day, we are already working on the Virtual Round Tables, which will be held this winter (official dates in our autumn newsletter)!
We would like to welcome on board the two new members of our team, Galadriel and Filippo, who started their terms as Secretary and Network Officer! As autumn approaches, a TAE Steering Committee election will come up, with 3 spots available for 2025. Keep an eye on our social media and website to find out more about this!
Enjoy your summer!
Warm regards,
your TAE-SC team (Giorgia, Casandra, Suzanne, Christian, Yousra, Claudio, Galadriel and Filippo)
A new TAE-SC dream team
ESCMID Global is our favorite event of the year, giving us the chance to learn new things, meet new people and work on new projects for our YSM community. But we are always emotional about ESCMID Global as it is also the time when members of our team are leaving. This year we say goodbye and a big thank you to Petar and Nick! Thank you for your knowledge, dedication and friendship. We wish you the best in your careers and we hope to see you soon!
While saying goodbye to past SC members, we are excited to welcome Galadriel and Filippo to the steering committee. They come with enthusiasm and are full of ideas, and we are very happy to have them on board!
In the picture, from left to right: Claudio (Treasurer, CM, Germany), Galadriel (Secretary, ID, Spain), Suzanne (Education officer, CM, the Netherlands), Petar (past President, ID, Bulgaria), Anu (Executive Committee Professional affairs officer, ID, Finland), Nick (past Scientific officer, ID, Ireland), Cassandra (Vice-president, ID, Romania), Melinda (ESCMID Office Professional affairs coordinator), Giorgia (President, CM, Switzerland), Christian (Scientific officer, ID, Denmark), Yousra (Communication officer, ID, France), Filippo (Network officer, ID, Italy)
ESCMID Summer School 2024, Utrecht, the Netherlands
The yearly ESCMID Summer School just ended, and everybody went home with a lot of new memories, friends and useful knowledge. This year SS was held in Utrecht, with an amazing scientific (and fun) programme, allowing the attendees not only to learn from and network with international experts from all over the world, but also to present their scientific work and get tips and suggestions directly from the experts. Of course there were also a lot of fun nights and new friendships and international collaborations were born. Stay tuned and follow our updates on social media and newsletter to get updates on deadline for participating to the Summer School next year in Dublin, Ireland.
TAE SC elections 2024
As every autumn, we are getting closer to the elections for our TAE Steering Committee! This year we will have 2 places for CM trainees and 1 place for an ID trainee! Keep an eye on our social media, website and autumn newsletter to find out the dates and deadlines for application and election process! This is the moment for you to join the team and be the voice for the new generation of trainees!
TAE DAY 2024 Report
Every year during ESCMID Global, we have the pleasure to welcome trainees at TAE Day, an event dedicated to YSM to interact directly with senior members of ESCMID, network with their colleagues from around the world and also have a little bit of fun!
This year we welcomed 140 YSM and 14 Round tables during TAE day, we found out the stories behind the success of the Outstanding Trainee Awards winners, got updates about ESCMID Opportunities and new insights about CMI Communications, the new CMI open-access journal.
As every year, we would like to thank all ESCMID senior members for their presence and to all participants who joined us for this important day! See you next year in Vienna!
Outstanding Trainee Award 2024
Every year the ESCMID recognises and rewards multi-skilled trainees in CM and ID with extracurricular activities in teaching, networking and collaboration.
Selection criteria emphasise education, constant improvement of personal education, contributions to training programmes, collaboration for educational purposes and education of peers.
The awardees will receive a non-restricted prize money of 1000€, ESCMID Global 2025 travel and registration and Summer School 2025 travel, registration and accommodation.
The award ceremony will take place during TAE Day at the 35th ESCMID Global, in Vienna, 2025. The call will open soon (summer 2024): make sure you check the ESCMID website, where you can also find eligibility criteria and nomination process.
Funded Observerships call
The new call for ESCMID Funded Observerships will open in autumn 2024. Make sure you follow us on social media to find out more about the registration process. Meanwhile, you can already take a look on the ESCMID Collaborative Centers and decide where you would like to go!
National Representatives Network
As you may already know, the TAE SC has built during the past years a network of National Representatives in ID and CM in Europe and a few countries outside, with a long-term project of expanding it all around the world!
The aim is to Contribute in generating a broad and interrelated collaboration of CM and ID trainees across the world by reaching colleagues, fostering the network, promoting TAE activities and contributing to new initiatives and projects.
If you would like to join us in this mission, send us your CV and a short motivational letter at tae@escmid.org
TAE on LinkedIn
What a better place to find educational opportunities and build a network than on Linkedin? After Facebook, Twitter (X) and Instagram, TAE is now also on LinkedIn, so help us build the network there and also find out updates about the projects we prepare for you!
Explore more about ESCMID courses and educational opportunities here!