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Pfizer integrated symposium
at ECCMID 2024 now available
on demand


For healthcare professionals only.


Pfizer was pleased to support the 34th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). In case you missed the live symposiumCOVID-19: are we meeting the challenge?, this is now available to watch on demand via the ECCMID 2024 platform!


COVID-19: are we meeting the challenge?


As we progress through the post-pandemic era, it is crucial to continue to assess the burden of COVID-19 and how the infectious disease community can support our vulnerable patients who are still at high risk of progressing to severe disease. Join our global COVID-19 experts as they use the latest COVID-19 data, insights and perspectives to discuss whether the challenge of COVID-19 on a global level is being met.






Organiser-appointed Chair

Dr Roger Paredes, MD, PhD

Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol and IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, Badalona, Catalonia, Spain


ESCMID-appointed Chair

Professor Sylvie van der Werf, PhD

Virology Department, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France


Dr Juleen Gayed, MBBS, MSC, FFPM

Vaccine Clinical Research and Development, Pfizer, London, UK


Dr Ziyad Al-Aly, MD

Veterans Affairs Saint Louis Health Care System, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA


Dr Luke Moore, FRCPath, FRCP, PhD, MPH, MSc, DTM&H, DipEd, FHEA, MBChB

Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, and Imperial College London, London, UK


Professor Dominique Salmon, MD, PhD

Fournier Institute, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, High Authority of Health, University of Paris Cité, Paris, France


Dr Romina Quercia, MD, PhD, MGH

Pfizer, and Research Unit, Royal Chelsea Hospital, London, UK

Thank you for joining us at ECCMID 2024

We hope to see you again next year


This symposium is initiated, organised and funded by Pfizer Inc.

©2024 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved.

PP-C1D-GLB-0077; Date of Preparation: April 2024.


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