Dear healthcare professionals,
Thank you for your active participation during the Sanofi symposium for influenza at ESCMID Global 2024. We hope that you thrived from the rich scientific content of the congress. In case you did not have an opportunity to attend the Sanofi influenza symposium or would like to revisit the session, we are delighted to share with you the replays and key take-aways from the symposium.
Aiming at a Moving Target With the Best flu Shot!
Sponsor Chair
Prof. Meral Akcay, DVM, Ph.D
ESCMID-Appointed Chair
Prof. Frederick G. Hayden, MD
Prof. Benjamin John Cowling, Ph.D
Prof. Mine Durusu Tanriover, MD
Prof. Nigar Sekercioglu, MD
Objective: Inform on the epidemiology of influenza and other respiratory viruses and their public health consequences post pandemic; the
impact of influenza infections on antimicrobial resistance (AMR); evidence evaluation to formulate vaccine recommendations through the GRADE analysis
method and importance of randomization in evidence quality.
Key take-aways
Prof. Frederick Hayden:
Recounted the recent events of bovine H5N1 infection and highly pathogenic avian H5N1 infections among swines and expressed concern about an increasing threat to humans as human infection acquired from milk cattle has been reported in the USA with a mutation that is implicated in adaptation to humans
Changing Epidemiology of Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses After Covid-19 Pandemic and Implication for Future Vaccination Strategies
Prof. Ben Cowling:
Discussed the impact of COVID-19 on other respiratory viruses and the overlap of seasonality between SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and RSV in varying degrees geographically with the SARS-CoV-2 seasonality not yet stabilized
Discussion around COVID-19/influenza combination vaccines, speaker suggested it may improve uptake and also cautioned against reducing flu vaccine uptake due to resistance of COVID vaccination
The Interplay Between Influenza Viruses and Streptococcus Pneumonia: How can Influenza end up With Bacterial Pneumonia and Contribute to AMR?
Prof. Dr. Mine Durusu Tanriover:
Broader burden of influenza means that influenza infection does not only remain as a simple upper respiratory disease, but also increases the risk of having heart attacks and stroke by more than 6 times, and influenza also triggers bacterial pneumonia which leads to both inappropriate antibiotics use as well as necessary antibiotics for treatment of bacterial pneumonia
Evidence indicated, influenza vaccination can reduce cardiovascular complications, hospitalizations and antibiotic prescriptions. Therefore, influenza vaccination should be part of prevention of cardiac complications and national antimicrobial stewardship programmes
Evidence Synthesis and Using the GRADE Methodology for Assessing the Quality of Evidence and Formulating Recommendations
Prof. Dr. Nigar Sekercioglu:
When conducting systematic reviews, it is important to thoroughly assess quality of evidence and heterogeneity of studies
GRADE methodology is an established approach to evaluate the evidence for formulating recommendations of vaccines. Certainty of evidence may be assessed within the context of pair-wise comparisons, reasons to downgrade evidence includes; risk of bias, inconsistency, large confidence intervals crossing zero and statistical analyses. Randomized controlled trials are the gold standard of study designs to establish an impact of a vaccine on the measured outcome
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We would like to express our deepest thanks to the faculty and delegates that participated in our symposium.
The Sanofi team
This symposium was organized by Sanofi for healthcare professionals only.The session was not included in main conference CME/CPD credit. |
@ Sanofi 2024 - MAT-GLB-2402599-1.0-05/2024 |
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