All scientific sessions are now available on the ESCMID Global 2024 Online Platform
If you have a valid congress registration, you can now revive comfortably on your devices all the scientific sessions you missed. Every scientific session was live-streamed and recorded, so congress participants have access to it on demand until 30 October 2024 – you can also claim CME points after watching replays.
The final programme is available on the ESCMID Global 2024 website to easily navigate all content.
Last 24 hours to apply for ESCMID funded Observerships and ECDC Observership
You have one last day to apply and compete for great opportunities to visit renowned centres abroad to get experience on new techniques, as well as the chance to visit ECDC for a special 5-day programme. Check out our website for more details on eligibility and application procedures.
Register now for the ESCMID Summer School 2024
The 22nd ESCMID Summer School will take place from 29 June - 6 July 2024 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The programme covers a broad range of topics in CM & ID and will interest young MDs at the end of their specialty training as well as biologists, pharmacists, Ph.D. students, and postdoctoral fellows working in the infection field. The preliminary programme is available, and the school is accredited for CME points by EACCME.
Course on antimicrobial stewardship in Lviv, Ukraine
In response to the need for a face-to-face learning programme in Ukraine, a 5-day intensive course on AMS took place in Lviv, close to the Polish border, in April 2024. Co-organised by WHO Ukraine, WHO Europe, US-CDC and ESCMID, the programme consisted of lectures and practical workshops on antimicrobial prescribing, stewardship, microbiological diagnostics and infection prevention.
At the end of this intensive course, all participating centres presented a practical plan for the immediate future on implementing antimicrobial stewardship and/or infection prevention in their own hospitals.
Congress & Events
ESCMID/ASM Conference abstract submission opening soon
Block your calendars for the 2024 ESCMID/ASM joint conference on drug development in Porto, Portugal from 17 - 20 September 2024. Co-hosted by ESCMID and ASM, this interdisciplinary summit pledges to tackle the growing threat of AMR, and explore opportunities and outline essential criteria for advancing antimicrobial drug development.
Abstract submissions are welcomed from 27 May - 17 June 2024. Notification of acceptance will be shared in mid-July.
Guidelines & Journals
Listen to the first episode of the CMI Communications podcast
We are happy to announce the first episode of “Communicable”, official podcast of CMI Communications, the society’s new open-access journal. The episode is entitled Late-breaker clinical trial results from ECCMID: should they change your practice? – featuring co-hosts Angela Huttner, CMI Communications Editor-in-Chief, as well as editors Marc Bonten and Erin McCreary.
Deep-dive into discussions on different topics related to CM & ID featuring renowned experts. The podcast is available for all major platforms. More details can be found on the ESCMID website.
Public consultation phase for ESCMID Guidelines
A public consultation phase is currently open for the ESCMID/EUCIC clinical guidelines on preoperative decolonization and targeted prophylaxis in patients colonized by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria before surgery.
Deadline for sending contributions is 11 June 2024.
Susceptibility testing of the live attenuated tuberculosis vaccine BCG and the vaccine candidate MTBVAC to currently WHO-recommended anti-tuberculosis drugs by the EUCAST method
Survey led by the EU-funded consortium, DIAMONDS: Identifying a multi-aetiologies test with the best value for money for patients with fever and uncertain diagnosis