Call for Study Group research grants is open!
Dive into cutting-edge research with ESCMID SG research grants, tailored for CM and ID related projects. Our SGs cover a vast range of themes, ensuring that there are no limits on the topics eligible for funding each year. With up to 30K EUR offered to cover project costs, ESCMID SG research grants can help you support the entirety or specific elements of your project.
Deadline for applications is on 19 July 2024.
Science & Research
Get ready for the ESCMID Grants & Awards season – calls opening soon
After a great congress, it is now time for the ESCMID grants and awards calls. We kicked off with the Study Group research grants, but we have several other grants and awards to support the next generation of clinicians and researchers, as well as to acknowledge and celebrate achievements in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
Calls will start opening throughout Summer 2024, stay tuned and check past awardees to get inspiration!
Sign and submit the ESCMID AMR petition to your parliamentarians
As the WHO World Health Assembly is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27 May - 1 June 2024, this is a good time to sign the ESCMID petition on AMR. We want to show global leaders how important this issue is and the lasting consequences if we don’t act now. Be sure to sign and send to your respective ministers and other influential politicians asking them to mobilize political attention at the highest level possible.
Learn more and download the petition on our website.
Online course from 12 to 13 June 2024
Registrations will close on 1 June. This postgraduate course is specifically designed for healthcare professionals, infection control practitioners, environmental health specialists, and anyone involved in the design, construction, or operation of healthcare facilities. It is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance their knowledge and expertise in infection prevention and control within healthcare settings.
Onsite course from 13 to 14 June 2024 in Lund, Sweden
Registration deadline extended to 1 June, do not miss your chance to participate and update your knowledge with this course.
Congress & Events
Check out all photobooth pictures at ESCMID Global 2024
All photobooth pictures are now available on the ESCMID Global website, so you can revive fun memories during the congress while helping to finish the Sagrada Familia! We printed for you more than 2700 pictures.
Guidelines & Journals
Two CMI articles featured in Annals of Internal Medicine
Great achievement for our journal, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, which had two papers cited (out of 11) in the article ‘Infectious Diseases: What You May Have Missed in 2023’ published in April 2024 on Annals of Internal Medicine. The aim of this article was to highlight important developments in infectious disease evidence unrelated to COVID-19 that were published in 2023, by literature screening for sound new evidence. Among the 11 papers cited, there are works from New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA.
Controlling the hospital aquatic reservoir of multidrug-resistant organisms: a cross-sectional study followed by a nested randomized trial of sink decontamination
ECDC launched a crowdsourcing project aimed at making scientific production and collaboration easier in the field of public health & infectious diseases